Miller T94i Welding Helmet Reviews

Miller T94i Welding Helmet Reviews And Guides For Beginners

If you’re a professional welder or even a novice who’s passionate about welding, a welding helmet is a must for every welder. Welding is quite dangerous and it can do severe damage to your eyes if you’re not wearing proper safety gear. Also, welding emits infrared and UV rays that are harmful to the skin….

Arizona Motorcycle Helmet Laws

Arizona Motorcycle Helmet Laws | Road Accident Ratio Down

Arizona is a dream place for motorcyclists. Why not that would be? The weather here is warm all year round. The roads are wide and spacious. Apart from these, the scenic beauty attracts bikers. Are you a motorcycle rider? Are you aware of Arizona motorcycle helmet laws? Arizona’s law for motorcyclists to use helmets is…

How To Protect Hair From Helmet

How To Protect Hair From Helmet | Keep Your Hair Clean

A biker can not ignore his motorcycle helmet as it offers life-saving benefits. No matter how good a bike drives, he never knows when an accident may occur. Therefore, when you ride your bike whether the distance is short or long. However, this helmet may have been the cause of the trouble. Many motorcyclists blame…

Can You Go Blind From Welding

Can You Go Blind From Welding | Protect Your Eyes First

Yes, a welder can go blind. If the necessary steps are not taken immediately after the spark hits the welder’s eyes. About 4 million Americans are directly involved with welding, either full-time or part-time. Regardless of the industry, welders are exposed to various physical hazards. Surprisingly, one study found that the number of casualties due…